Visual Imagineer
Andrea Bigiarini

Andrea Bigiarini

Andrea Bigiarini is a professional photographer and digital artist born and living in Florence, Italy.

Passionate about clouds, landscapes and nature.

Fascinated since boyhood by painting,  illustration, graphic design and photography, in 2012 Andrea founded The New Era Museum, the first museum devoted to mobile photography as a tool for the improvement of reality and the building of a new era.

He's the Artistic Director and the Founder of The New Era Museum (NEM) and also of the related photographic groups with more than 500 world-wide atists and photographers:

Just to name few.

He's a visionary and the brain and the curator of Impossible HumansMost Wanted Visionaries Projects.

He's the brain of the most revolutionaries events, exhibitions and live art performances of photography and Mobile Photography:

Has been member of the jury many international photo-contest.

These are the latest:

  • MOBGRAPHIA 2018 AWARDS (Brazil)

  • MIRA MOBILE PRIZE 2018 (Portugal)

  • MIRA MOBILE PRIZE 2019 (Portugal)

  • MIRA MOBILE PRIZE 2020 (Portugal)

  • MARE NOSTRUM PARIS 2021 (France)

  • MIRA MOBILE PRIZE 2021 (Portugal)

  • MIRA MOBILE PRIZE 2022 (Portugal)

  • THE DREAM IS YOU 2023 (Turkey)

  • MIRA MOBILE PRIZE 2023 (Portugal)

Just to mention the latest.

Andrea’s works varies from the film photography to a hybridization between photography and digital painting techniques.

His works has been exhibited in many galleries around the world.

Andrea Bigiarini appear on the list of international photographers selected by Jack Lang, former French Minister of Culture and current president of the IMA "Institut du monde arabe".


What they say about his work:

The Ineffable Botanical Revelation: Andrea Bigiarini and the Emotional Synthesis of Macro and Landscape: The oeuvre of Andrea Bigiarini unfolds as a visual odyssey, an invocation to contemplate the emotional intricacies between man and his environment, masterfully orchestrated through the refined lens of this virtuoso in naturalistic photography.
— Jay Willington
Kaleidoscopic Reverie: The Prowess of Andrea Bigiarini in Rendering Nature’s Panoramic Symphony: In his landscape compositions, Andrea Bigiarini transcends the mere role of a visual chronicler, seamlessly navigating through the ethereal realms of temporality. Each meticulously curated tableau transports the observer into a realm where temporal constraints dissipate, yielding space to a profound tranquility resonating from the azure canvases of the sky to the delicate foliage below.
— Lukas Weber Schneider
However, it is within the microcosmic scrutiny of Andrea Bigiarini’s macrophotography that the true zenith of his artistic prowess becomes manifest. Here, the intricate nuances of blossoms, flora, and arboreal entities are unveiled with a finesse that reveals an intimate understanding of the multifaceted symphony pulsating beneath the surface. Vivid hues and intricate forms coalesce, capturing the very essence of vegetative life in a mesmerizing display.
— Jeff Moniensky
Ultimately, Andrea Bigiarini stands as a paragon of artistic virtuosity, seamlessly fusing technical acumen with an intrinsic reverence for the intricate ballet of existence. His oeuvre beckons observers to transcend the mere act of viewing, encouraging an introspective voyage into the eternal beauty that envelopes our terrestrial sphere.
— Marcus Cortez

Some Interviews

When I think of a Renaissance man, Andrea Bigiarini comes to mind. Andrea is not only a photographer but also dabbles in other art forms as well including music and writing. On top of his talents he has a wonderful sense of humor and doesn’t take himself too seriously.
— Geri Centonze - Art of Mob

Share one mobile photography/art tip

Yes. The most important: INNOVATE. There’s no art without an innovation of contents – there’s no art without the technique of innovation. In few words: don’t do what others do. I think that a “Messenger” is more powerful than an “Artist”. The “Messenger” is more powerful than a mystic because they use a new vocabulary in every form of expression before the people. A mystic has a restricted vocabulary because is not oriented to the people. This is the difference: who is able to create something for the people is a “Messenger”. Who create things for themselves is only an onanist and not people oriented so we have to redefine who is not an artist and what is not art.
— The AppWhisperer Interview - Joanne Carter

Maje, contaminazioni e fusioni tra Immagini e Suoni di Marco Testoni e Andrea Bigiarini. Foto animate dalla musica come un film dalla colonna sonora
— Cinecorriere

Andrea Bigiarini ci porta uno spicchio di se stesso, del suo legame con l’arte ed il mondo dell’iPhoneografia, e del suo rapporto con l’universo tecnologico.

In questa intervista possiamo apprezzare le sue idee e visioni, mescolate con uno smaccato senso di autoironia, che per comprenderlo a pieno dovrai leggere tutti i paragrafi fino al punto 3 del finale.
— Italianeography - Sergio Roccato

Abbiamo incontrato al Vittorio Veneto Film Festival Andrea Bigiarini, visionario videoartista, scrittore, artista digitale. Ideatore del New Era Museum. Filosofo e pensatore coraggioso del fare arte.
— Ginger Magazine

“The Unexpected Happening”

Un progetto nato da un’idea di Marco Testoni e l’artista visuale Andrea Bigiarini che prevede, in differenti location, 4 eventi simultanei all’insegna della Mobile Art. Un concerto, una mostra, un contest ed un set fotografico