SeriesAndrea BigiariniAI

Confessions of an AI Art Hoarder

SeriesAndrea BigiariniAI
Confessions of an AI Art Hoarder

So here's the deal: I’ve made tens of thousands of images with Stable Diffusion, Fooocus, and ComfyUI.

Tens. Of. Thousands. And where are they? Rotting on my hard drives like digital roadkill.

Every time I thought, ‘This is the last batch,’ but nope, one more round, one more dopamine hit from watching the AI spit out something half-decent. Because when you’re messing with AI, you get this god complex mixed with a feeling of being completely at its mercy.

And then what? I left them there. Tens of thousands of AI-generated masterpieces—well, maybe not masterpieces—just sitting, collecting digital dust. It's like hoarding, but without the cockroaches. I’d stare at my screen, thinking, ‘Who the hell is ever going to see all this crap?’ It became my little dirty secret.

So I did what any guilt-ridden hoarder would do: I picked a few. Just a few. I’m not trying to save the world here. Mother Teresa of digital art, I am not. I grabbed the ones that made me laugh, or at least didn’t make me cringe. The rest? Let them rot. I don’t have time to care.

Now they’re out there, ready to be seen. Or ignored. I honestly don’t give a damn. Beauty in the age of AI is whatever the next algorithm tells you it is. Scroll. Don’t scroll. Doesn’t change my life.