Irrational Geographic

Irrational Geographic

Welcome to Irrational Geographic, the landscape series that reveals the absurdity of the world we live in.

You won’t find perfect mountains or pristine beaches fit for a glossy magazine here. Instead, these are scenes of everyday madness, dressed up as natural beauty.

This isn’t the Earth you see in travel brochures. This is the planet as it really is: a place where nature’s lost the manual, and humans decided to mess with whatever was still working.

In the first photo, there’s a waterfall. Or no, wait—it’s a factory disguised as a waterfall, vomiting rainbow-colored sludge into a dead river. They call it a “marvel of human ingenuity,” like polluting with style is something to be proud of. But hey, at least the Instagram filter makes it look poetic.

Then there’s that concrete desert. There used to be trees. Now there are roundabouts. Nature abhors a vacuum, they say. But asphalt? Asphalt loves one.

And finally, the inevitable beach shot. Except there’s no sand. Just glass, broken bottles, and a few old memories of a summer gone wrong. The ocean’s still there, but don’t get too close. It might show you a truth you’re not ready to handle: it’s all just a façade, a fragile set piece that crumbles the moment you try to touch it.

All images are copyright 2024 by Andrea Bigiarini - All rights reserved.

So here’s Irrational Geographic, your travel guide to a world that, on second thought, isn’t really all that tourist-friendly. Or maybe it is, depending on how willing you are to keep your eyes shut. And as you take in the view, remember: the real show is always backstage, in the cracks no one wants to see.

Oh, and one more thing: I’m not even sure about these descriptions. Maybe these photos are from completely different places. But really, who cares? We’ve never been good at telling reality from fiction anyway.