Pulp portraits

All images created by Andrea Bigiarini (c) 2022 - All rights reserved
I'm a boomer and I adore the pulp covers art.
I've also written a compendium on how to write Pulp stories, it's only in Italian and maybe one of these days I'll post it on my website. But let's not waste time.
I love the bold, saturated colors and the graphic nature of many of the covers. I've never been a fan of the more subtle covers that have come later, but I understand why they are so popular.
In the early days of the American Pulp and Paper Company, the art that adorned its magazines and books was largely produced by European artists. The company's founders, however, were enthusiastic collectors of American art, and they commissioned many American artists to create works for the company's publications.
The American Pulp and Paper Company's commitment to American artists had a profound influence on the development of early 20th century American art. The company's founders were among the first to recognize the talent of American artists such as Edward Hopper and Georgia O'Keeffe, and they were instrumental in promoting their work. The company's publications served as a showcase for the work of these and other American artists, and helped to establish them as major figures in the art world.
I want to remember some the greatest artists of this "Popular Art" and this is a tribute to them.
J.C. Leyendecker, Dean Cornwell, N.C. Wyeth, Norman Rockwell, Everett Raymond Kinstler, Tom Lovell, Frank Schoonover and many others.
You may find in this website all the most Pulp Illustrators by time period
The following images are only a selection of hundreds of portrait I have created with Artificial Intelligence. Click on a image to enlarge.