
All images are copyright Andrea Bigiarini 2022 - All rights reserved
Sangoma: the African healers
A sangoma is a practitioner of ngoma, a philosophy based on a belief in ancestral spirits and the practice of traditional African medicine, which is often a mix of medicinal plants and various animal body fats or skin.
Sangomas perform a holistic and symbolic form of healing by drawing on the embedded beliefs of the Bantu peoples in South Africa, who believe that ancestors in the afterlife guide and protect the living.
Sangomas are called to heal, and through them it is believed that ancestors from the spirit world can give instruction and advice to heal illness, social disharmony and spiritual difficulties.
Traditional healers work in a sacred healing hut or indumba, where they believe their ancestors reside.
Where no physical 'indumba' is available, a makeshift miniature sacred place called imsamo can be used.
Andrea Bigiarini