Torrigiani Private Garden - Partial Series

“It is one of the few large green areas, still surviving inside the walls, in a state of perfect preservation, and is a typical example of the romantic style that marked the beginning of the gardens’ nineteenth century . Already in the sixteenth century there was a property Torrigiani in that area “the Campuccio”. At the end of the eighteenth century , with the extinction of the family, the legacy of Cardinal Ludovico Maria Torriggiani passed to the great-grandson Pietro Guadagni who then assumed the name of his uncle and small properties Campuccio began construction of the garden. Between 1802 and 1817 by successive purchases, the new Marquis Torrigiani expanded the property, which by the way Campuccio stretched right in Via dei Serragli , the walls, the current Piazza Tasso , reaching an area of about ten hectares.
The task of designing the grand garden was given to Luigi Cambray Digny ( 1813 - 1814 ), which took over the young Gaetano Baccani . It was thus realized an English park , full of suggestions related to the world of ‘ Arcadia and especially the symbolism of Freemasonry , which was part of the marchese Pietro Torrigiani.
The presence of the walls Arnolfian served to move the project, which was characterized by a wealth of small buildings, statues and botanical peculiarities deserving, shortly after its creation, “one of the visitors to use guide”. The guide cited over thirty points of interest, including the underground, Merlin’s cave, indoor carousel, the garden of citrus and flowers, the riding, the Arcadia, the hermitage, the gymnasium, the great tower, the aviary, the lemon, the stream with the magnificent bridge.
Always the late nineteenth century, at the great lawn of the Torrigiani Garden, were held trainings and private meetings were played football hosting Florentine aristocrat society and English families who had moved to Florence in the nineteenth century. Thanks to Pietro Torrigiani was in fact founded the Florence Football Club , the oldest football club in Florence, which was the then mayor of Florence, a prominent figure of Florentine politics, its first president. Today the garden is not so rich in works of art, but the environment has remained well preserved and is one of the most significant English gardens of Florence. ”
Andrea Bigiarini