20 Pieces. 20 Universes. 1 Look to Wreck ‘Em All.

Art’s a quantum virus.
One look and the atoms split, the cells morph, reality faceplants into its own reflection. The observer fucks with the observed. Every. Single. Time.
You got 20 pieces in front of you. Paintings, photos, portraits, landscapes, mindfucks. Fake shit that looks real. Real shit that looks fake. The difference? Your messed-up brain. The glitch between chaos and your so-called "truth." An oil painting screams louder than a photo. A photo lies harder than a hallucination. Step closer, a face shifts. Move an inch, the sunset ghosts. You only see what you’re wired to see.
Here’s the punchline: every piece is an experiment. And you? You’re the wild-ass variable. The test subject. The lab rat. The executioner.
Now, play the game. Look at ’em all. Then blink. Tell me what you remember.
Andrea Bigiarini