Yellow, Loud, and Proud

Yellow, Loud, and Proud

Yellow, Loud, and Proud:

Motorcycles for the Stylishly Doomed

Imagine the world has gone to hell—again.

The sky is burnt orange, the asphalt is cracked, and the only thing cutting through the silence is the roar of a motorcycle. But not just any motorcycle. These beasts are retro-futuristic machines, designed by someone who clearly spent too much time watching 'Blade Runner' and listening to Daft Punk. And they’re all yellow. The kind of yellow that makes you think of hazard signs and toxic waste.

The kind of yellow that screams, "Look at me, I’m too cool to be subtle."

All images are copyright by Andrea Bigiarini 2024 - All rights reserved.

You’ve got to wonder: why yellow? It’s not like anyone in a dystopian wasteland needs to worry about visibility. Maybe it's some twisted joke, a reminder of a time when people cared about safety, or maybe it’s just that whoever designed these things wanted to make sure that even when civilization collapses, you’ll still look like you’re riding the result of a Minion’s one-night stand with a Tron bike. The irony, of course, is that in a world where everything else has faded to gray, yellow becomes the new black.

These bikes are a designer’s wet dream and a survivalist’s worst nightmare.

They’ve got all the sleek lines and unnecessary curves of a machine built for people who don’t know the first thing about torque. They’re not just motorcycles; they’re statements. Statements that say, "I’m here to look good, even if I’m the only one left to see it." And while they may be built for speed, let’s be honest, they’re really built for Instagram. Because nothing says, "I’m the last badass on Earth," like posing next to a banana-colored speed demon.

But that’s the beauty of it, isn’t it? In a world where everyone’s fighting just to stay alive, you choose to ride a yellow motorcycle. Not because it’s practical, not because it’s smart, but because it’s the ultimate middle finger to the apocalypse. It’s saying, "I’m still here, and I’m still going to make an entrance."